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Drumming circles bring people together and lift one's spirits. We reflected on 2024 and said goodbye, and welcomed 2025 together while sharing our inner rhythm with others in a fun, musical experience!  

Lydia Smith, a certified Remo Drum Circle Facilitator and professional musician went over the different kinds of drums and their history. Her voice is so soothing

People tend to think that in order to attend something like this you need experience, but you don’t. Anyone who has a heart that beats can drum.  The smiles by the end of our time together were Priceless

We had four individuals from the Milford community who came because it was posted on Facebook and opened it up to all. The event was well attended and afterward people sat around and talked and had hot cocoa and cookies. In all, 17 people attended, and there is much interest in doing future drum circles as the year progresses! 

A Drumming Circle is exercise, lowers blood pressure, enhances creativity, boosts immune 
systems, lifts spirits and reduces stress. 

To learn more about Lydia's drum circle events, please contact the church office at 203-874-1982.