Our church took part with close to 30 other faith communities on the New Haven Green on Aug. 6th to assemble blessing bags for our neighbors and to volunteer in multiple service project opportunities throughout the day. Eileen Doyle shared this story:
During the “I Wage Peace“ event on Sunday, people had the opportunity to make hearts from pieces of gun barrels. While talking with Jim Curry, one of the cofounders of Swords to Plowshares Northeast, I was informed that they use confiscated or donated guns to make garden tools and jewelry for people to purchase, but also give garden tools to organizations that have community gardens. Since they had never given a tool to MTMUMC, and I told Jim that we have a community garden, the “Garden of Feedin',” where much of the produce is given to Beth El Center, (or used for our community dinners), I was told to select a tool. The young man who made the trowel was proud that his trowel was selected, so I asked him to sign the back of the tag. To learn more about this organization, please visit https://www.s2pnortheast.org/new-page-3.
Blessings, Eileen
You can also see a time lapse video of one of the blessing bag assembly lines below.
Thanks to the following people who participated: Lisa, Fran, Bob, Dave, Eileen, Linda, Nathan, Stacey, Rick, Josh, Marshall, Sue, Christian, Roy, Gina, Rachel, Joe, Andy, Mary Lou, Lydia, Monica, Stan, Bryan, Craig, Christine, Vicki, Marie, Marcia, Greg, Holly, Michael, Ann Marie, Michelle, Laura, Paige and Charles!