I just had the immense pleasure of listening to and speaking with Jennifer Paradis and Troy Gonda at the Beth-El Center. What an amazing leadership team they have there. And what awesome plans they have to reach out to the community in even more impactful ways.
One topic we discussed is the importance of relationships - making connections and living in an invitational way together as a community. We all have something important to share with others, to make a real difference in their lives. For some, that light that we share, that love that we offer, those spiritual and tangible ways we impact one another, make all the difference.
Jesus is showed the importance of this in his encounter with a Samaritan Woman at a well. This Sunday, come and see, listen, and experience how Jesus met a woman cast out from society, connected with her, and invited her into a life of spiritual abundance. Let us learn from this deep encounter and find ways to have our own with others in our community.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Roy
P.S. Don't miss the full Grace Notes attachment with all the Church news for the week linked below!