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The Rape Crisis Center of Milford organized a Giving Tree at the Connecticut Post Mall this holiday season, collecting donations for new clothing and toiletries. As part of their services when they respond to a hospital, the Rape Crisis Center brings along a bag of clothing, as in most cases of sexual assault the victim's clothing is collected as evidence by the police. Each bag provided includes the following items: sweatpants, sweatshirt, t-shirts, socks, underwear, slippers/flip flops, and toothbrush/toothpaste.

MTMUMC purchased enough supplies to create eight hospital bags to donate to the Rape Crisis Center, which were dropped off earlier this week to the security office at the mall.

With all the darkness in the world today and with those experiencing such trauma and pain, it is a blessing to be able to offer Christ's Light and Hope to our sisters and brothers in need. 

If you'd like to learn more about other missions, events or programming at MTMUMC please visit the website at or our Facebook page @MTMUMC. We are praying for a blessed Christmas for all.