We will support Bridgeport Rescue Mission’s Great ThanksGiving Project this year with a coat and food drive which will run from Nov. 6th to November 13th only.
Details follow:
Coat Drive: Invite your friends, co-workers and fellow church friends to collect gently used winter coats – along with jackets, hats, gloves, scarves and blankets – to ensure children and adults in the community stay warm all winter.
Food Collection: Spread the word to your family, neighbors, and friends to donate only the foods listed below. They’ll be made into “fixings bags” that are distributed during the Great ThanksGiving Project. No glass jars, please.
• Canned green beans
• Canned corn
• Canned peas
• Canned sweet potatoes
• Canned cranberry sauce
• Canned gravy
• Boxed/bagged stuffing mix (not croutons)
Donation Drop Off Details: Drop Off hours are Mon-Fri. 9AM-2PM and Saturday from 9AM-11AM. If you are not comfortable bringing your donations to the church, please contact the church office to arrange a pickup.
Please consider supporting one or more of these mission opportunities!