Dear friends,
Mark, my husband gave me the published edition of the complete works of John Wesley’s sermons for Christmas. As I began to read the first sermon on that day it fell like a ton of bricks on my heart that more people need to hear these words. So I set about inquiring whether or not this would be allowed and asked permission to record each sermon for our church website. Permission was sought and granted.
As I was preparing my spirit for this endeavor Marylou Kamper happened to share with me a book offered in February outlining dan the idea that going back to our roots would be an excellent way to heal Christ’s church. For me that was affirmation that I was walking the right path.
With the help of my friend Nathan I present to you John Wesley’s words as he wrote them over 200 years ago. Please understand with some grace that as the words are written in old English they do not always role off the tongue as smoothly as I would like.
I pray that you are as intrigued and blessed as I have been thus far with this body of work from the founder of our beloved Methodist church.
God’s Blessings Abundant,
Pastor Adeline Hazzard